Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

  1. My photographs will cause no harm to the people I capture and will serve to inform others about people, time, place and situation. I will not mock or ridicule people. As of now, I further need to understand the environmental impact of my photography before this statement considers the environmental impact my photography has, and is currently restricted to purely to the act of taking and sharing my images.

  2. I aim to be as informed as possible about the impact my work has in relation to the social, economic and environmental “cost”. I will endeavour to ensure that my work enhances knowledge, has realistic financial implications and has the least impact on the environment possible.

  3. I undertake some street photography and as such I do take photographs without consent, but I always have, and always will, delete photographs when asked to do so by those who I photograph.

  4. I will work had to ensure that my images are as truthful a representation of what I see and that even where this isn’t possible, that my images are not used to mislead or spread false information.

Ethics are an important part of life, whether a formal professional set of rules or personal beliefs and standards, we all understand ethics, whether we know it or not, whether we think about it or not. It can be deep. It can be meaningful or it can be just the way we conduct ourselves daily.

As a photographer, ethics, I believe, are a way to ensure that I think about the way I conduct myself in that role. I believe that it should be a framework within which I practice my photography to keep myself and others safe.

I do not see this as a tool to restrict my practice, rather inform my practice, guide me and ensure that I do not bring harm to anyone as a result of my activities as a photographer.

I don’t want this to be a tick box exercise and with this in mind I will be using the web page to inform my development of a set of ethical rules which will Frame and inform my practice.

This is not an activity I wish to rush into, but I will begin building my code as I research and better understand the code I will work by and deliver my images through.